Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Haiti Earthquake

Massive devastation in places that can least afford it. Not that catastrophic events are any better when countries can afford it, but it just seems that people who already have so little and must struggle to make ends meet regarding the basics in life are clearly ill equipped to absorb such a major tragedy.

Maybe it is just the understanding that it is unlikely that stringent building standards, lavish emergency services, and trained and equipped support services would be readily available anywhere in the world. When potentially millions of people are without homes, medical services and organized aid to distribute food and water, provide shelter and aid in rebuilding... what happens. Are people who presumably lived with basic food, water and shelter any better off in such circumstances than say in the US where we rely on vast networks for our electric and gas power/heat, grocery networks and expert craftsman who can repair and rebuild our homes?

Just so sad to see such utter devastation and wonder once again what we can do so far away from it all.

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